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Confidence Building Series: tip #1

One of the most important areas you can improve upon to create your desired future is confidence. Confidence in yourself, your abilities, and what you do. It's important. Confidence not only helps you in achieving your goals and dreams but it also effects how people see you. People react differently to confident individuals than they do to people who show low confidence. They formulate opinions and make decisions. This can he extremely beneficial in your personal and professional life.

As a professional life coach, certified NLP Practitioner, certified Hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master I've personally seen how confidence can set people on the right path as well as the wrong one. I've seen how people can become over confident, under confident and create a balance around confidence that helps them find success. This is one of the topics in my "Organizing Your Life Series" which can be read on my blog here, Newsletter, Facebook page, Twitter, and eventually in a new Ebook I'll be publishing in the next couple of months. I also plan to discuss this topic as well as others on my radio show.

So without further ado, here is the first method I'd like to share with you on building confidence.

"Model your traits after confident people."

Look at someone you admire as being confident. Someone you respect. Then take note of the attributes that make this person confident.

You might wonder how this can help you but it actually is a very great way of learning. Think back to when you were a child or look at the children in your life around you. A baby learns to talk by mimicking the parents. We know this is true because at certain ages, no matter what you say, good or bad, those little kids will repeat it.

They may learn the word through mimicking those around them but they have to put it into practice. Just like you'll want to do in building your confidence.

Once you've taken stock of the confident attributes/behaviors you like in the person you respect then it's time to look at your own skill set and perform an honest assessment. This is something most life coaches are really good at helping with. They might even be able to suggest some additional qualities to help you round out your confidence building.

Once you have an honest assessment you can start incorporating the qualities you find as strengths into your daily routine. You can also start working on the qualities you find yourself weak in with the goal to eventually add these to your strength.

This is the first in my "Methods for Building Confidence Series" Be sure to subscribe to this blog to get updates when the other 19 methods are posted.

Girl Power
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